MFI Academy – Milano Face Intense Course

Monte Rosa 91 Via Monte Rosa, 91, Milano, Italy

We are glad to announce the next MFI Academy course. The Milano Face Intense Course will be held in Milano from 17 to 19 January 2025. Join this unforgettable event! Immersed in the fascinating world of surgery and beauty, our conference offers a deep dive into the realm of facial plastic surgery – from the upper to the lower third,…

25th International Course on Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose and Face

Radboud university medical center Nijmegen Radboud university medical center Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Dr. G.W.J.A. Damen, Otorhinolaryngology/Facial plastic surgery Radboud university medical center Nijmegen The Netherlands Dr. N.S.J.J. Dhooghe, Plastic surgery University Hospitals Ghent Belgium Dr. N. van Heerbeek, Otorhinolaryngology/Facial plastic surgery Radboud university medical center Nijmegen The Netherlands Prof. dr. W. Huvenne, Head and Neck Surgery University Hospitals Ghent Belgium Dr. K.J.A.O. Ingels, Otorhinolaryngology/Facial plastic surgery Radboud university medical center Nijmegen The…

34rd International Course in Advanced Rhinoplasty Techniques

Dear Colleague, Once again, the 34rd edition of this exceptional course will illuminate the expertise and knowledge of world-renowned surgeons in the field of rhinoplasty and facial plastic surgery. This course is designed for the continuing medical education of residents, fellows, and practicing physicians. Our international and multidisciplinary faculty will guide participants through every stage, from consultation to the management…

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