Hands-on Training Anatomical Bases Rhinoplasty – 6th Edition

Dissection Laboratory. Anatomy Department of Medicine Faculty Universitat de Girona. Emili Grahit 77, Girona, Girona, Spain

9 hours dissection course · Limited to 10 attendees. Intensive one-day course of hands-on training with fresh cadaver dissection. Attender will work in one specimen. This hands-on training course offers to review surgical anatomy of rhinoplasty through individual dissection work in cadaver. We want to stress that every participant will do a complete anatomical dissection on acquiring a better knowledge…

34rd International Course in Advanced Rhinoplasty Techniques

Grand Hotel Karel V Grand Hotel Karel V Geertebolwerk 1, Utrecht, Netherlands

Dear Colleague, Once again, the 34rd edition of this exceptional course will illuminate the expertise and knowledge of world-renowned surgeons in the field of rhinoplasty and facial plastic surgery. This course is designed for the continuing medical education of residents, fellows, and practicing physicians. Our international and multidisciplinary faculty will guide participants through every stage, from consultation to the management…

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