24th International Course on Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose and Face

Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc) Geert Grooteplein 21, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Venue The course will take place at the Radboud University medical center, Geert Grooteplein 21 Nijmgen, the Netherlands Accreditation Accreditation will be requested from the NVDV, The Nederlandse Vereniging voor Keel-Neus Oorheelkunde van het Hoofd-Halsgebied, The Nederlandse Vereniging voor Mondziekten, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie. Registration You can register yourself for this course on www.aroundthenose.com. The maximum number of participants for this…

BSFPS Facial Plastic surgery Cadaver Dissection course

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust - City Campus Nottingham City Hospital Hucknall Road, Nottingham, NHS Trust, Nottingham, United Kingdom

This is annual cadaver dissection course with lectures, demonstrations and dissection opportunity for the delegates. Based over three days, it plans to cover all aspects of facial plastic surgery- Blephroplasty, Face/Neck and brow lift, Open and Closed Rhinoplasty, Facial flaps and reconstruction and Otoplasty. The course runs under the auspices of, and supported by, the British Society of Facial Plastic…

10th All in One Rhinoplasty Congress

Hilton Bosphorus Hotel Hilton Bosphorus Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey

10th ALL IN ONE RHINOPLASTY CONGRESS & LIVE SURGERY SYMPOSIUM A CALL FROM ISTANBUL TO PARTICIPATE IN RHINOVERSE We are hosting the 10th All in One Rhinoplasty Congress in May 2025, an annual event that rhinoplasty enthusiasts from around all over greatly welcome. On the European side of Istanbul, with a view of the Bosphorus, the Hilton Bosphorus Hotel will…

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