This is a four-day twin Rhinoplasty / Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Course, with hands-on training on fresh frozen cadaveric specimens. Two days are allocated for each part: 3-4 May for Rhinoplasty, 5-6 May for Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.
The course is organised by the Hellenic Rhinologic Society- Facial Plastic Surgery in collaboration with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
8th All in One Rhinoplasty Congress Live Surgery Symposium All in One Rhinoplasty Congress is an annually organized congress, with the mission of bringing together distinguished surgeons from all over the world, to discuss all the techniques and the latest innovations in rhinoplasty with our colleagues. It’s an outstanding global learning opportunity with live surgeries, interactive presentations and tips &…
About the event External rhinoplasty, Transposition flaps, Nasal reconstruction, Otoplasty, Blepharoplasty, Brow lift, Mentoplasty and Rhytidoplasty. These techniques are explained step by step by a multidisiciplinary international faculty of experts. After each presentation you will practice a technique hands on.Instead of employing chemicals to preserve bodies, the bodies are fresh frozen and brought to room temperature, providing the feel and texture of…
This is the Third edition of "CURSO PERSONALIZADO DE RINOSEPTOPLASTIA ABIERTA CON DISECCIÓN" This course is held at the University of Málaga, Spain. At the disection laboratory. It includes 12 fresh frozen cadaver, with a full day of theorical lessons. it is held in Spanish, and some of the lessons are in English (Sureyya Seneldir). It is intended for the…
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