Nose & Surroundings 2024
9th Edition from 1993
The 9th edition of the Video Course in Nasal, Facial and Endoscopic Surgery, “Naso & Dintorni” (Nose and surroundings) will be held in Rome from November 13th to November 16th 2024.
The first edition was held in 1993 at the Giovanbattista Grassi Hospital. For a few years this was the regular venue of the course which constantly increased the number of participants and then moved first to the Carlo Forlanini Hospital and now for the 2024 edition to the San Camillo General Hospital.
San Camillo Hospital is possibly the most illustrious of the historic hospitals in the city of Rome and, just as the previous courses venues, is part of the Italian National Health Service. The course is intended for those specialists who are keen to expand their knowledge and their proficiency in the fields of nasal and facial surgery both from the functional and the aesthetic point of view. Therefore the course will present an extremely wide range of surgical techniques and surgical experience without downplaying original approaches and possible controversies while creating a productive environment of involvement and debate.
The course will run over four days:
- the first day will be devoted to the endoscopic surgery of paranasal sinuses
- the second and the third day will discuss rhinoplasty in all its facets
- the fourth day will be devoted to facial surgery
- 15 live video surgery
Overall, together with multiple presentations and discussions of a mostly practical nature, 15 surgical procedures will be displayed in real time, in particular:
9 rhinoplasties
1 Temporal lifting with adjunct blepharoplasty
1 otoplasty