London Foundation Facelift Course
Course Descriptions:
Aim: To provide foundation facelift training to qualified surgeons using a safe and reliable technique endorsed by senior trainer, Professor Alwyn D’Souza, aimed at simplifying the complexity of the surgery.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be confident in performing a facelift in a safe manner and may adopt these foundational techniques to achieve reliable results in patients. They may also further enhance their skills by attending our advanced facelift course at a later date.
Course highlights:
- The first-of-its-kind comprehensive facelift course that covers all the fundamental elements of facelift surgery, including consultation, photography, skin care, infiltration and post-operative management.
- Expert guidance from experienced trainers in facial plastic surgery, offering clear and straightforward instruction to candidates.
- Hands-on fresh frozen cadaveric dissection, with a maximum of two candidates per cadaver, prioritizing practical learning.
- Detailed discussion of surgical steps with videos, slides and ample time for questions and answers, ensuring thorough understanding.
- Complimentary course manual featuring clear surgical steps for each delegate.
Target Participants:
Consultants, Facial Plastic Surgery fellows and senior registrars interested in head and neck or facelift procedures, regardless of prior experience in facelift surgery.
Why should you attend this course?
- You are new to facelift surgery and want to grasp the basics without being overwhelmed by the multitude of techniques.
- You aspire to master a single safe technique, enabling you to confidently offer facelift procedures to your patients.
- You wish to clarify doubts and unravel the complexities associated with aspects of facelift surgery.
- You aim to become an advanced facelift surgeon, building upon a solid foundation.
- You are committed to delivering exceptional outcomes and enhancing patient satisfaction in your practice.
Join us and embark on a journey towards mastery in this transformative procedure.
Programme: (subject to changes)
Day 1 (31st May 2024):
08.15: Registration
08.30: Welcome and General Introduction
08.45: Surgical Anatomy of the Face
09.45: Pre-operative consideration of facelift
• Pre-operative assessment, consultation and consent
• Pre-operative photography
• Anaesthetic considerations
11.00: Coffee Break
11.20: Dermatological considerations in facelift
• Facial skin assessment and management
11.50: Pre-operative preparations
• Pre-operative marking
• Anaesthetic considerations
• Surgical instrument and equipment
12.20: Starting the operation
• Patient positioning and lighting
• Draping
• Operative surface marking
• Infiltration
13.00: Lunch break
14.00: Incision planning
14.30: Raising flap and superficial dissection
• Skin and subcutaneous tissue flap
• SMAS identification
• Deep plane concepts
15.40: Coffee break
16.00: Release of facial retaining ligaments
17:00: End of Day 1 with closing remarks
Day 2 (1st June 2024):
8.15: Arrival and general networking
8.30: Non-surgical management of facial ageing
• Botulinum toxin injection
• Fillers
9.00: Setting up facial plastic business and marketing strategies
9.30: Deep plane dissection
• SMAS marking
• Re-infiltration
• SMAS incision and dissection
10.30: SMAS suspension
• Plication
• Imbrication
• Vectors in suture suspension (sutures and orientation)
11.00: Coffee break
11.20: Management of midface and neck (including neck fat, platysmal banding, digastric muscles and submandibular glands)
13.00 Lunch Break
14.00: Flap and skin re-draping
14.45: Dressing and post-operative care
15.30: Coffee break
15.50: Post-operative follow-up consultation
16.20: Post-operative complications and management
17:00: Closing remarks, feedbacks and certificate distribution
Teaching Faculty:
- Prof Alwyn D’Souza
- Prof Ash Mosahebi
- Mr Anil Joshi
- Mr Kristian Hutson
- Mr Eugene Wong
- Mr Harshdeep Mangat
- Miss Maria Pulido
Ella Collins (info@medicaltrainingcourses.