V. Apaydin Interactive Rhinoplasty Course
Dear Colleagues,
This interactive course is limited to 6 ENT and Plastic surgeons. The aim is to share the
experience of 30 years in rhinoplasty in a peer-to-peer way. The reason to keep it to a minimum
number of participants is to make the teaching more interactive and dynamic. By doing so, the
participant will be able to comprehend all the details during that session.
Please see the main topics to be covered during first day of this course below. The participants
will not only listen to these lectures, but also will actively participate. Beside they will take
pictures and will do facial analysis by themselves during the workshops. In other words, the
surgeon will be able to do the surgery before going into surgery. All lectures will be given by
myself. The course venue for the first day is my private clinic at Cumhuriyet Bulvarı, No: 127/7,
Alsancak-Konak, İzmir.
Program at a glance:
• 1 days of interactive lessons: 21April, 2025. Venue: Apaydın private clinic
• 2 days of operations: 22-23 April, 2025. Venue: Private Gazi Hospital