Dear EAFPS Junior members,

Attached is a database of EAFPS members (Consultant/Attending/fully certified) that are keen to mentor junior EAFPS members currently in training.

This database contains information on: location, areas of specialist interest and contact details for EAFPS Mentors. Junior EAFPS members can use this database to identify mentors from whom they can seek career advice, plan future fellowships and develop research projects. The hope is that this database will be beneficial to junior EAFPS members, helping them plan their training and future career pathways.

If you would like to apply to become a mentor, please email: with the following information:

  • Name:
  • Area of Specialist interest(s) within Facial Plastic Surgery:
  • Location (country and city):
  • Name of hospital/clinic:
  • Email address:

The requirements to become an a EAFPS Mentor include:

  • -Being a member of EAFPS,
  • -Having completed surgical training
  • -Being appointed as an attending/consultant/board certified facial plastic surgeon


Best Wishes

Dr Rishi Mandavia
Chair of EAFPS Juniors Committee.

EAFPS Juniors Mentorship Database

mentorhip database 2022 08

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