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Profile Settings

Dear EAFPS Member,

The Profile page is our surgeon’s visibility page for our visitors. Please update/modify your Profile settings whenever your status has changed. Modification can be made in several steps by yourself.

STEP-1: Open your Current Profile Page

In order to edit/modify your profile settings, you must be login first from MEMBERS AREA link or SURGEON DIRECTORY menu at the top of main page:

Click on the one of appropriate links and Login to system:

Enter your system username & password and login to the system. After logging in, system will automatically forward you to user Profile page. If you have clicked on My account link, you should click on the Your account link on this page.

STEP-2: Edit your User Settings

STEP-3: Modify your Profile Settings

In the Account tab, you can specify your Name / Surname and public E-mail address for the Surgeon Directory page (Note: This e-mail is not your USERNAME! Username changes will not be permitted due to site security policies). You can choose your new Password or you can go to Change Password Tab to check if your previous password is as same as the new one.

You can use Privacy Tab to change your site Privacy settings.

In the Privacy tab, you can make your profile Public for directory page or Private for yourself. You can download your personal data on the site and/or you can Remove your all data from the site. These settings required to enter your current password first.

STEP-4: Modify your Surgeon Directory Profile Settings

Click on the SURGEON DIRECTORY menu from the Top menu:

In the Surgeon Profile, there are several personal details for yourself. You should enter all your data which will be public for site visitors.

In this page, you should edit/modify your Surgeon Directory information. Click on the EDIT PROFILE link on the gear menu at the right side of the page.

In this page, you may edit/modify all your Surgeon Directory details. Your Cover picture, profile picture, Profile name/lastname, phone number and URL Address, your specialities, keywords, picture gallery and your interview video.

This is very important that, you must click on the green OK ICON at the top-right side of the page, after your modifications finished to save your details. Update Profile button on the bottom side will not save your data!



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