1 st Kuwait Pearls Course in Facial Plastic Surgery: Surgical Training and Anatomical Workshops

Mohammad Kamal, MD DMD PhD FEBOMFS
Member of EAFPS
President of Kuwait Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Course Objectives:
To enable the course participants to become familiar with surgical anatomy of the head and neck and related structures, and be able to have hands-on experience of performing common procedures in the field. The focus of the course will on facial sculpting procedures and cosmetic procedures commonly utilized in the field of facial plastic surgery. All Dissections will be approached as surgical procedures.

Course Format:
Lectures and Hands-on training workshops on fresh frozen human cadavers.

Course Participants:
Surgeons working in the field of facial plastic surgery including maxillofacial surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, otolaryngeology-head and neck surgery, and residents.

Focused Courses – Workshops (Anatomic Surgical Training Sessions):
The course is constructed based on the list of the comprehensive cadaveric sessions
1. Blepharoplasty: Upper and Lower Eyelid
2. Brow Lift and Eyelid Lift
3. Rhytidectomy: Facelift & Neck lift Techniques
4. Cervicoplasty and Sub-mental procedures
5. Buccal Fat Pad Surgery: Buccal Fat Pad Surgery
6. Lip Lift Surgery
7. Facial Sculpting and Prosthetic Facial Implants

Nature of the event
The course offers ideal conditions for the introduction and consolidation of surgery techniques. Participants learn about current treatment concepts as well as new techniques on facial plastic surgery. On each day, experienced surgeons provide a theoretical insight into therapy concepts and will focus on clinical anatomy, treatment approaches and last but not least, many case discussions. The didactic session on each day if followed by anatomical workshop on which permits the attendees to apply the gained skills on fresh specimens under directed instruction.

Main language of the event
The official language is English.

Kuwait University Health Sciences Center
Human Anatomy Laboratory
Main HSC Building, lower ground level
Jabriya, Kuwait


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