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COVID-19 Information

Ten commandments for Examination in high risk clinical fields in times of Covid-19

Surgeons in ENT, Facial Plastic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Maxillo-Facial and Dental specialties are at the highest risk of contracting high viral loads emanating through aerosols during clinical examination in the times of Covid-19. Elective cases can be deferred to a later date. However, there are situations where one may have to see patients on an urgent basis for instance patients in emergency and patients on cancer pathway.

In such situations utmost care and precautions will have to be undertaken. Here is a quick bullet point check list to make sure safety is maintained.

  1. No *PPEs – no examination.
  2. Tight fitting and sterile goggles.
  3. **FFP3 or equivalent masks (that are adequately fit tested).
  4. Full length gowns.
  5. All equipment (including table, computer, keyboard, mouse, endoscopy cables and box) to be clean wiped before and after with Clinell® or similar antiseptic wipes.
  6. A handy bottle of alcohol / sanitising gel next to you.
  7. Minimal equipment in the room and on your table.
  8. Wear two pairs of gloves for each consultation (one each for during examination and for notes taking or dictating).
  9. Wear the mask and goggles throughout the clinic. Do not touch them or take them out between consultations.
  10. At the end of your clinic safely discard your mask and apron into the clinical waste bin. Wipe your goggles thoroughly and store them


Stay safe

*PPE – Personal Protection Equipment; **FFP – Filtering Face Piece


Anil Joshi, Consultant ENT and Facial Plastic Surgeon, London, UK
National Delegate for UK and Chairman of Credential Committee, European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS)
General Secretary, British Society of Facial Plastic Surgeons (BSFPS)

Hesham Saleh, Consultant Rhinologist / Facial Plastic Surgeon, London, UK
President, European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS)
President, British Society of Facial Plastic Surgeons (BSFPS)

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