COVID-19 Information

5 years ago

Ten commandments for Examination in high risk clinical fields in times of Covid-19 Surgeons in ENT, Facial Plastic Surgery, Ophthalmology,…

Governance Structure of EAFPS

5 years ago

EAFPS GOVERNANCE 23/25  EXCUTIVE BOARD President: J Carlos Neves President Elect: Frank Riedel General Secretary: Abdulkadir Göksel Treasurer: Yves Saban…

Profile Settings

5 years ago

Dear EAFPS Member, The Profile page is our surgeon's visibility page for our visitors. Please update/modify your Profile settings whenever…

IFFPSS 2020 Congress Faculty-4

5 years ago

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EAFPS General Assembly Agenda

5 years ago

Dear Friends, We hope that you are having great summer. As you know we will hopefully be seeing each other…

EAFPS Tie for 40th Anniversary

5 years ago

Dear Friends and colleagues, This year is our 40th anniversary. The Academy has grown to more than a thousand members in these…

History of Facial Plastic Surgery in the Netherlands

5 years ago

History of facial plastic surgery in the Netherlands  / Jan de Jong J.F.S. Esser ( 1877  -  1946 ) was…

Thank you

6 years ago

Dear EAFPS Member, Thank you for your participation. As a sponsor, your member approval response had been recorded. Best regards,…