Ten commandments for Examination in high risk clinical fields in times of Covid-19 Surgeons in ENT, Facial Plastic Surgery, Ophthalmology,…
EAFPS GOVERNANCE 23/25 EXCUTIVE BOARD President: J Carlos Neves President Elect: Frank Riedel General Secretary: Abdulkadir Göksel Treasurer: Yves Saban…
Dear EAFPS Member, The Profile page is our surgeon's visibility page for our visitors. Please update/modify your Profile settings whenever…
[countdown day="6" month="2" year="2020" format="DHMS" color="#ffffff" bgcolor="#0000ff" radius="3" width="250"]
Dear Friends, We hope that you are having great summer. As you know we will hopefully be seeing each other…
Dear Friends and colleagues, This year is our 40th anniversary. The Academy has grown to more than a thousand members in these…
History of facial plastic surgery in the Netherlands / Jan de Jong J.F.S. Esser ( 1877 - 1946 ) was…