Meeting Directors

Apply for EAFPS annual meeting

Individuals interested in hosting the annual EAFPS conference are asked to submit an informal application via email to the General Secretary by September 1st of the calendar year that precedes the meeting by 3 years (e.g. application for 2010 by Sep 1st, 2017).

A selection committee consisting of the Executive Board and Board of Directors will oversee the process and select the best qualified application.  A decision is made and conveyed to the organizer 30 days after the end of the deadline of Sep 1st.

Meeting directors – Apply for EAFPS auspices

Please use our online form to get an event endorsed by the EAFPS. Organizers of the EAFPS fall meeting: please also view these instructions.

Benefits for meeting directors include:

  • Listing of your meeting in the meetings section of the EAFPS website.
  • Publication of reports of past EAFPS endorsed meetings in the EAFPS newsletter.
  • Email alert to all EAFPS members 11, 5 and 2 months before the meeting.

Please note:
The EAFPS logo is a registered trademark with all legal implications. Its use is granted to meeting directors for inclusion in course related advertising material only (such as flyers, slides and placement on the course website). This use is limited to material directly related to the endosed event. Endorsement is only valid after appropriate written approval by the EAFPS board.
Email alert for meetings endorsed between 11 and 8 months prior to the meeting will be sent out at the time of endorsement and 5 and 2 months prior to the meeting. Email alert for meetings endorsed between 5 and 3 months prior to the meeting will be sent out at the time of endorsement and 2 months prior to the meeting.

Auspices related Services offered by the EAFPS

  1. Use of the EAFPS logo on printed material (flyer, advertisement, programme)
  2. Announcement sent by 3 emails from the EAFPS Secretariat (11, 5 and 2 months in advance) to all EAFPS members
  3. Announcement on the website ( with indication of the patronage
  4. Announcement in EAFPS Newsletter
  5. Publication of a short report in EAFPS Newsletter (to be provided by the organizers)

Organizers of the EAFPS Annual meeting enjoy priviliged conditions (LINK). Please complete the online form below and check the box “EAFPS annual meeting”.


  1. Outstanding academic and didactic level of the conference or course. The discretionary authority is the Executive Board and the National Delegate(s).
  2. The responsible organiser should be an EAFPS member
  3. The programme with speakers should be submitted no later than 4 months in advance to the EAFPS General Secretary.
  4. Eduction of the registration fee by 15% or more for EAFPS members.
  5. Distribution of EAFPS membership request forms and other EAFPS printed material provided to the organizers during the meeting/course.
  6. List of all participants including e-mail / postal addresses to be sent to the Secretariat ( no later than 2 weeks after the event.
  7. Auspices are granted after receipt of payment.
  8. Submit a report of the meeting no later than 14 days after the meeting to in the following form.

Fees for EAFPS Auspices

All Courses: 400,00 €

Meeting Information
